Cutting Laminated Glass for Custom Glass Installation & Repair Service in Shoreline

When it comes to your vehicle’s auto glass, you probably don’t think about it too much as long as it does its job and protects you while you’re driving. However, there are usually two auto glass types used in modern-day automobiles, and those are tempered glass and laminated glass. Laminated glass is the choice for windshields because it provides an extra layer of protection. If something hits your windshield at high speed or with force, then the laminated glass prevents the windshield from shattering. In contrast, the other windows of your car are made with tempered glass, which shatters into fine, sand-like material. There are many reasons why you may want to replace windows with laminate glass or want a custom cut. If you’ve been considering cutting laminated glass for custom glass installation & repair service in Shoreline, contact Joe’s Glass Co., and we’ll be glad to help.

The main reason drivers want laminate glass is to help prevent break-ins. Because tempered glass shatters so easily, thieves can easily hit the window with a blunt object to shatter it and break into the car that way. Many classic and vintage car owners like to replace their windows with laminate glass, or they need custom cuts for their older automobile windows. Here at Joe’s Glass Co., our techs can provide you with custom cuts for any make and model of vehicle.

If you’re interested in cutting laminated glass for custom glass installation & repair service in Shoreline, contact Joe’s Glass Co. today at (425) 272-9460 if you’re interested in making an appointment.